20th Anniversary

Fun Facts from Twenty Years of Networking Internationally at IU
  • The networks we support carry traffic for over 92% of the countries in the world
  • In the last 5 years we’ve received five NSF awards, totaling over $17M Over the last 20 years, IN@IU has been supported by 12 grants, primarily from NSF, for a total of close to $47M
  • On average, the team travels over 300K miles a year
  • We now regularly have team members on 3 continents in a given week
  • Between required quarterly and annual reports, we expect to produce about 300 pages of reporting this year
  • Over the last 20 years, we’ve employed over 40 staff at IU, from undergrad students to future presidents of IU
  • Over the last 20 years, we’ve had over 100 named collaborators through our reports and MOUs
  • We currently support a huge range of science fields - we’re still learning how many. The biggest ones are high energy physics, bioinformatics, geoscience (particularly climate science and weather modeling), oceanography and atmospheric science, and health sciences.